The Canvas Grey

Inspiration, Perspective, Insight

Healthcare – More Reforms

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 9, 2017

I don’t know where the healthcare situation will land, but I completely agree with removing the penalties for no insurance. Because I know people who cannot afford the premiums for regular healthcare nor the penalties for not carrying  health insurance.


We’ve allowed ourselves and the structures we’ve built to become so complex, immersed, and driven by unnatural forces and expectations that we not only grieve dying and death, we are “grief living.”

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I Can Change Myself…REALLY!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on July 18, 2013

I’m of a mind that nothing stands between me and what I want except for the fear it may not work or change things so drastically that I’ll be “sorry”…so I decided to change my perception.  I realized that the experience of trying and dealing with anything that could happen sure beats the feeling of never going for it and wishing that I did.  So now when I feel less than worthy, feel nervous, feel unsure, I transmute that energy and thinking to…What can I do to make this an opportunity for something I REALLY want!    This has gotten me through many things that I (and others) have perceived as devastating or situations that were hurtful at the time.  Another thing, for me that is important, is to give myself time to process these devastating, hurtful, unexpected changes (which come to everyone).  I changed myself and perceive the best outcome for everyone (myself included), this has never let me down.

Hope that makes sense and that in some way it can help you too!

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Posted by TheCanvasGrey on June 9, 2012


Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Dancing, Dreams, Family, Figuring it out, Fun, Glow, Grow, Health, Hope, Humor, Learn, Life, Love, Nature, Religion, Spirituality, Stress, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Truth | Leave a Comment »

Competition – How to know

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on June 9, 2012

Competition is competing against oneself whether the ego will let self see it or not…therefore, bad sportsmanship exemplifies the ego against itself and all its faults…good sportsmanship accepts that for today the best was the best….center reflects enjoyment/thankfulness of the competition for all that it is.

Posted in Appreciation, Awards, Awareness, Dreams, Family, Figuring it out, Fun, Games, Glow, Grow, Health, Hope, Humor, Learn, Life, Love, Nature, Spirituality, Stress, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Women | Leave a Comment »

Coincidence or Divine?

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on December 11, 2011

If I hear the same things I’m thinking/pondering echo back to me through other people, dreams and current situations … coincidence or divine?

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Figuring it out, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, Religion, Spirituality, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Truth | 3 Comments »

God is Good. God is Great.

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on November 11, 2011

God is so great, so much more than we can understand.  I believe God is more than any religion or book.  God can speak to each of us as individuals in ways that are completely unique to each of us.  This Greatness cannot be hidden or restrained nor is it healthy for us to block God.  I have found that learning to open up to God through stopping all the chatter and getting to know ourselves and our very unique and individual relationship with God is one of the keys to long lasting happiness.

My life has changed profoundly since my last posts.  In ways I would have never imagined.  Yet it was through this blog that I began to open up, share and sought to understand how life could truly be.  Have there been rough patches…yes.  Actually I have gone through and am in what some would call “the hard row” or others would say difficult and yet I am calm, centered and truly happy because I was blessed enough to decide to stop seeking and find out about me and my blessed relationship with the Creator. 

A Creator that is so great that I get to co-create, the Creator that is so great that I was free to choose, the Creator that is so amazing that I get to decide about our relationship.  I have the freedom to be creative in the ways we get to communicate with each other and that I can have the awesome mysteries of life open up right before me.  I’ve learned I have all I will ever need with patience and gratitude.  So simple and so complex…WOW!  Thanks God!


Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Grow, Health, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, prayer, Religion, thankfulness, Think about it | 1 Comment »


Posted by TheCanvasGrey on October 18, 2010

Enough is enough!

Politicos et. al.





Stop Hatemongering And Fingerpointing Today!

Posted in Awareness, Grow, Hope, Learn, Life, Politicians, Politics, Think about it, Trends, Truth | 4 Comments »

The BEST Thing for Teaching in YEARS!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on July 20, 2010

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Happy Independence Day – Let Freedom Ring!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on July 4, 2010

Would you please tell us something about you and your site?

My site is The Canvas Grey. ( The name was inspired by a dream.  I believe I was healed by God and wanted to let as many people know for His Glory.  It is difficult to imagine that I could ever, ever talk about it enough or be thankful enough.  So I blog about my experiences, both success and failure, to help others who may find themselves needing more information, guidance or just a laugh.   

God is so great, so much more than we can understand.  I believe He is more than any religion or book and He can speak to each of us as individuals in ways that are completely unique to each of us.  His Greatness cannot be hidden or bound.

Do you feel that you continue to grow in your writing the longer you write? Why is that important to you?
I haven’t thought much about whether I’ve grown as a writer or that it was important to me.  I mostly feel compelled to write about something and then set about doing it.  There is no doubt that some of my posts are inspired and they are easy to see; my journey of learning, plowing around the stump for examples.  I’m a deep thinker and when God gives me insight I want to share that for others to let God work through it if He desires to do so.

I’m wondering what some of your memorable experiences are with blogging?
My memorable experiences are all about the inspiration and compelled writing plus the interaction with others.

What do you think is the most exciting or most innovative use of technology in politics right now?
Using the internet to get passed the two minute sound bites that the main media WANT us to see or hear.  I want to know in-depth information about past, present and plans for the future on all the political players.  I think the internet should remain uncensored and ungoverned to allow real freedom of speech and exchange of ideas.

Do you think that these new technologies are effective in making people more responsive?
I think more people feel free to express themselves and have a place to say what they want and exchange ideas, thoughts, experiences, etc.  I think more than that the internet provides a platform for anyone who can get to the internet to tell their story or a story they believe is important AND to tell it without edit or censorship.

What do you think sets Your site apart from others?
I am a unique individual that has much in common with other unique individuals.

If you could choose one characteristic you have that brought you success in life, what would it be?
Believing the best of intentions from others and yourself.

What was the happiest and gloomiest moment of your life?
I speak of this in my Journey of Learning at my blog as they are both on the day I was healed.

Do you think [the use of Twitter and other social networking tools by politicians] is bandwagon jumping or what?
I have to say a direct YES to this question.  Unfortunately politicians seem to be nothing more than advertisers trying to grasp at every last pair of eyes and ears no matter what it takes or what avenue pop culture would have them travel.  That does NOT speak to me as “being a leader” but more as a follower of trends. 

If you could pick a travel destination, anywhere in the world, with no worries about how it’s paid for – what would your top 3 choices be?
Alaska, South America, Europe and the rest of the world, then the moon, planets, other galaxies and beyond.

What is your favorite book and why?
There is no way I could ever pick a favorite book or favorite anything.  How could I pick just one of anything when God has made/inspired so much.

What’s the first thing you notice about a person (whether you know them or not)?
Their expression.

Is there anyone from your past that once told you you couldn’t write?
No.  I was told at a young age by a teacher that I wasn’t an artist.  But she was wrong.

How bloggers can benefit from blogs financially?
I think others could answer this much better than I.

Is it true that who has a successful blog has an awful lot of time on their hands?
If research is required or one keeps up a post a day (or more) then blogging can become time consuming.  I imagine the most successful blogs (that are more than pictures) are very time consuming as they must keep readers coming back AND attracting new readers.

What are your thoughts on corporate blogs and what do you think the biggest advantages and disadvantages are?
It would depend upon the size but by far the biggest advantages for corporate blogs would be communications…easy, fast, far reaching; the disadvantage would be cumbersome, too many responses or ideas or the need to dedicate one person to the blog.

What role can bloggers of the world play to make this world more friendlier and less hostile?
Communicating with each other expecting, projecting the best intentions.  I think we as human beings will find that no matter what part of the world we live in the we are more alike than different; to make a way in this world for our family and friends to be together and rejoice in our love for one another and God.  We share a marvelous place in the universe and it is a privilege to share it together.

Who are your top five favourite bloggers?
I really don’t mean to be obnoxious I just can’t pick favorites.  There are just too many favorites to list in just five. 

Is there one observation or column or post that has gotten the most powerful reaction from people?
There are several but if you are interested to know which is the most read it would be about my experience in a multi-level-marketing company.  Closely followed by my experience discovering that depression and low iron (anemia) have very similar symptoms.

What is your perception about Pakistan and its people?
I have a perception of the country and then my experience of the people here in the United States.  Since most of the perceptions are via people who have agendas (the media, the politicians, etc.) I base my facts on my own interactions.  I must say that I’ve found people of/from Pakistan to be more like me than different.  I also must tell you that one of my doctors is from Pakistan.  He is a doctor who I can say truly listens to me, treats me with great kindness and respect.  I pray for him to be happy as he is truly a great man in my eyes.

Have you ever become stunned by the uniqueness of any blogger?
Twice I could use the word stunned to describe my reaction to reading a blog and been interested reading/trying to understand them/their writings more in depth.  Disgusted is a word I’ve experienced more often than stunned.  BY FAR I’ve had completely positive experiences in blogging and reading other blogs.

What is the most striking difference between a developed country and a developing country?
The amount of food, clothing, shelter and ways to make a life for a family.

What is the future of blogging?
My guess is it will stay the same for quite some time.

You have also got a blogging life, how has it directly affected both your personal and professional life?
There have been positive; expression, helping others, learning new things, connecting with others AND negative; some time away from family and other projects yet who doesn’t need a break every now and again?  🙂  Mostly I see the good of it when balanced.

What are your future plans?
To continue to seek what God has for me and my family because I know it is beyond my dreams, as He shows me consistently.  I plan to write more about that and to create a history of thought and pictures and understanding within my family, friends and others who touch my life as I touch their life.

Any Message you want to give to the readers of The Pakistani Spectator?
I can only see good from reaching out to one another in peace, understanding and our common bonds as people who are blessed to share the earth at the same time.  I believe that different cultures and diversity is a great thing in life.  We can  throw off hatred, apathy and indifference to enjoy one another.  Peace and happiness to you as you read.

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A Proposal

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on February 20, 2010

Let’s do away with the phrase:

GO F* Yourself

And all it’s glorious versions.

I propose we say:

Go Fulfill Yourself!

It sounds much nicer and is really much tougher to do.



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Posted by TheCanvasGrey on January 27, 2010

Young son brings me some scribbles on a notebook paper and asks if it is a masterpiece. It hurt his feelings when I said no but I quickly explained to him why it wasn’t and what a masterpiece was and then he said, “Yeah mom, but God does make masterpieces.”

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Children, Family, Figuring it out, Kids, Learn, Life, Love, Spirituality | 1 Comment »

Walmart, Claire’s, et. al. STOP SELLING TOXIC KIDS STUFF!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on January 13, 2010

I can hardly believe there is more stuff being sold from China with cadmium, another toxic metal. Cadmium is even more toxic than lead, which was found in kids toys from China and asbestos was found in some clay products awhile back.

I say it is time to hold the stores that are selling this stuff accountable PERIOD.

Read more here:

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The Grand Scheme of Things

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on January 5, 2010

Oh Mother of God! Oops…will I get in trouble for that funny???? Did God make humor? The details of it all, the fighting over the details. Find it funny…laugh, find it offensive… move on. There is a HUGE space out there and NO ONE can wrap their head around it all. Take the good where you get it and be happy. Take that good and help OTHERS be happy (WIN-WIN). Are there books that are inspired by God, yes…every word…doubtful. Religion is inspired by God and man handled. This too is one opinion, from one unique individual to other unique individuals with much in common. Peace!

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Figuring it out, Glow, Grow, Health, Hope, Humor, Learn, Life, Love, Miracles, prayer, Religion, Spirituality, thankfulness, Think about it, Truth | 2 Comments »

Ringin IN 2010!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on January 4, 2010

I’m looking forward to a great 2010! 

I’ve heard that from nearly everyone I’ve gotten email from, talked to and seen on FB.  The excitement in the air about 2010 is palpable. 

I can’t remember when …well, yes I can, I think many people were so worried about Y2K and working their butts off in 1999 to prevent “the unspeakable horrors” the clock turning to 2000 could bring that everyone was looking forward to the “end” of what nightmares COULD happen. 

Maybe that was the start of all this doom and end of the world talk that seems to dominate everything these days.  It is (of course) at the movies, in the news, on all my favorite channels, History, Discovery, Science; whether they are talking about Nostradamus, the Holy Bible, the Mayan calendar or other forseers they want to use to prove the “disaster looming” point. 

The positive lesson to take from all this is … MAYBE…  all we have is today.

Today is the PRESENT so maybe we should treat it like a GIFT and ENJOY!

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Dreams, Figuring it out, Fun, Glow, Grow, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Nature, Politicians, Politics, Spirituality, Stress, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Truth | 2 Comments »

Bah Hum Bird!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on November 24, 2009

So let me get this straight…I have to get up at 1am Thursday morning to start the big bird, go back to bed at 2am and then wake up on the hour to baste until 5am and then start preparing 20 side dishes, 2 pies, 2 cakes…all between one oven and a small microwave, set the table to look like something from Martha Stewart’s Living, look like I stepped out of Vogue as I serve it…then do two loads in the dishwasher whilst washing all the big stuff which puts me at about 1am Friday morning and then I’m supposed to get up at 4am and stand in line to shop in over crowded stores for bargains whilst everyone else watches football games and marathon TVLand episodes????

BAH HUM BIRD!!!!!!!!!!!

What I REALLY want is my own reality show just to get this documented!

Posted in Appreciation, Awards, Awareness, Children, Clothes, Dreams, Family, Figuring it out, food, Fun, Glow, Grow, Health, Hope, Humor, Kids, Learn, Life, Love, Nutrition, Stress, thankfulness, Think about it, Women | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Walking with God…He teaches me to…

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on November 14, 2009

Spend time in love!
Walk in GRACE!
Lead with compassion!
Follow with humility!

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Fear…No Fear?

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on October 28, 2009

My greatest fear isn’t H1N1 or an asteroid or 2012… My greatest fear is we are being programmed TO fear. Discretion is an under used word!

The Canvas Grey

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When Weary

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on September 5, 2009

A recent, follow-up colonoscopy and more surgery by the same doctor that found the bone tumor two years ago (see Journey of Learning first tab) reveals need for another surgery. This time a wonderful surgeon I met with here locally will be removing 3 to 5 inches of small intestine and 1/3 of my large intestine along with surround lymph nodes. Things will still work the same, I’ll just be a little lighter; this is a bad way to lose weight! Ha!

A dear friend of mine has been through quite a lot herself and she sent me an email about being weary. I’ve included an excerpt from the email because I believe it was inspired by God for comfort for anyone who reads it. Because I do feel a little weary; then I remember that we all have our life journey, we all have a different and deeply personal experience with God. It is our choice, complete freedom of choice and if that doesn’t speak volumes about our God then I couldn’t imagine what would, He loves us that much.

May God’s will be done! Excerpt:

I know what you mean about becoming weary and this is when we will lean on God because He is our true strength. God can perform miracles when we let go and let God. I know that no matter what happens we can overcome it to His Glory and for His purpose. I’m not afraid but I’m not ready to part this place just yet. I still believe there is great work to be done by you and me and others like us. We are in the world but not of it. That can be so very hard. It can be burdensome to be strong all the time. Even Jesus felt the burden and didn’t understand. We are human and don’t understand it all but we do know the wonder of God…how awesome is that? How awesome to KNOW GOD!!!! WOW! Getting tears in my eyes, if we even thought about it very long we would be on our faces night and day in awe and praise. We could be that humble about it all but we are so blessed to be able to live and walk in Him. So that His work can be done as He calls us to do it.

I’m just glad He calls me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Figuring it out, Grow, Health, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, Miracles, prayer, Religion, Spirituality, thankfulness, Think about it, Truth | Tagged: , , , , , | 6 Comments »


Posted by TheCanvasGrey on July 4, 2009

leave it where ever you go.


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Ted Ted The Talking Heads

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on June 18, 2009

For whom this is meant…

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